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cheats para cs 1.6
cheats para cs 1.6

Also see Gameshark CodesAction Replay CodesCodebreaker Codes for Counter-Strike

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Older Cheats:

   (last update - Dec 15 2000)

Before using the following codes, you must fist enable them by using the server machine and typing in sv_cheats 1. Once this is done, you must choose a level: changelevel [Name of Map]. After selecting the level, you can then go ahead and type in the code for the desired Effect you want to use.

Map List


  • Estate
  • Office
  • Vegas
  • Cobble
  • Aztec
  • Tundra
  • OilRig
  • Backalley
  • Train
  • Dust
  • Prodigy
  • Nuke
  • 747
  • Final Option
  • Italy
  • Highrise
  • Militia
  • ArabStreets
  • Canyon Siege
  • Assault


    Cheat Codes


    Effect Code
    $16,000 impulse101
    Adjust gravity sv_gravity <-999 - 999999>
    Arctic sniper rifle give spaceweapon_awp
    Auto-aim with sniper rifle sv_aim
    Auto-reload disabled -reload
    Auto-reload enabled +reload
    Change crosshair color adjust crosshair
    Change skins skin
    Disable the crosshair to enlarge when shooting crosshair <1-5>
    Faster backwards motion cl_backspeed 999
    Faster forward motion cl_forwardspeed 999
    Faster side motion cl_sidespeed 999
    Get indicated item give
    Hyper auto-aim disabled sv_clienttrace 0000
    Hyper auto-aim enabled sv_clienttrace 9999
    Level select changelevel
    Reveal how much time is left on the map timeleft
    See and fire through walls and objects, default is 3600 gl_zmax<0-9999>
    See things brightly without flashlight lambert -1.0001
    Set freeze period at the start of rounds. Set to 0 to disable, default is 6(For use on server machine only) mp_freezetime
    Set maximum length in minutes a round can last, default is 5(For use on server machine only) mp_roundtime <3-15>
    Set minutes between map rotations, default is 0(For use on server machine only) mp_timelimit
    SetC4 timer mp_c4timer <1-100>
    Toggle auto-help hint messages, default is 1 ah <0 or 1>
    Toggle crosshairs in observer mode, default is 1 cl_observercrosshair <0 or 1>
    Toggle flashlight use, default is 1(For use on server machine only) mp_flashlight <0 or 1>
    Toggle footsteps, default is 1(For use on server machine only) mp_footsteps <0 or 1>
    Toggle friendly fire(For use on server machine only) mp_friendlyfire <0 or 1>
    Toggle graph net_graph <0 or 1>
    Toggle map briefings after new levels load, default is 1 dm <0 or 1>
    Toggle to see ghosts in observer mode, default is 0 ghosts <0 or 1>
    Unbind key command unbind
    View other players' frags cl_hidefrags 0
    Whiten all surroundings at 800x600 resolution r_lightmap 1

    Item Names
    You can use the "give" code to spawn weapons -> give [Weapon Name]


    Weapon Name Code
    AK-47 weapon_ak47
    Artic weapon_awp
    Benneli xm1014 weapon_xm1014
    Bomb defuser weapon_defuser
    C4 weapon_c4
    Colt M4a1 carbine weapon_m4a1
    Commando weapon_sg552
    Desert eagle weapon_deagle
    Dual Berettas weapon_elite
    Flashbang weapon_flashbang
    Fn P90 weapon_p90
    Glock 18 pistol weapon_glock18
    H&K Sniper Rifle weapon_g3sg1
    HE grenade weapon_hegrenade
    Kevlar Vest weapon_kevlar
    M3 super shotgun weapon_m3
    MAC-10 weapon_mac 10
    MP5 weapon_mp5navy
    Nightvision goggles weapon_nightvision
    Para weapon_m249
    SIG p228 weapon_p228
    Scout weapon_scout
    Sig 550 weapon_sig550
    Smoke grenade weapon_smokegrenade
    Steyr Aug weapon_aug
    Ump.45 weapon_ump45
    Usp.45 pistol weapon_usp

    Skin Names
    You can use other skins by using skin [Skin Name]


    Skin Name Code
    Arab arab
    Arctic arctic
    GSG9 gsg9
    Guerrilla guerrilla
    Hostage hostage
    SAS sas
    SEAL seal
    Terrorist terror
    VIP vip






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